Cedar Ridge High School
1125 New Grady Brown School Rd, Hillsborough, NC 27278
9 a.m. Delegate check-in | 10 a.m. Convention starts
The 2024 CD4 Convention is in person per DNC rules. A livestream will be available for viewing, but discussion, voting, and other active participation will be only at the in-person event. If you plan to attend in person, please complete the registration using the link below.
NOTE: NCDP is using the 2022 Congressional District lines for this year's district convention. CD4 delegates will be from Alamance, Durham, Granville, Orange, or Person counties or a few precincts in Caswell County. If you live in Chatham County or Wake County, you can find information about your district conventions at ncdp.org/2024-district-conventions/.
RESOLUTIONS PUBLIC FORUM: The resolutions package is available for review here. Two public hearings for the resolutions are scheduled for 7 p.m. on April 15 and April 17. Register for these Zoom meetings here.
We'll be electing one CD4 representative for each of the following NCDP committees:
NCDP State Convention's Committee on Credentials and Appeals
NCDP Council of Review Committee
NCDP Resolutions and Platform Committee
NCDP Plan of Organization Review Committee
Learn about current nominees here. If you are interested in running for one of these committee positions, please complete this form. You can find information about these committees in the NCDP Plan of Organization.
Please note that we will not select presidential electors at the 2024 District Convention because of the pending lawsuit regarding the congressional district lines and gerrymandering. Presidential electors will be selected by caucuses of the new districts at the state convention on June 1.
We plan to have a livestream available for viewing, but delegate participation, discussion, and voting will be only at the in-person site.
The Biden-Harris team has released their list of approved DNC delegate candidates. We have emailed all the approved DNC candidates and invited them to submit a photo and brief bio for the website, which will be posted at https://www.ncdistrict4dems.com/dnc-2024.
Please consider making a donation to help offset costs of the convention and to help elect Democrats in CD4!